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Angular Dynamic meta tags in head

I need to insert open graph meta tags on a particular page in an angular app.

These tags are different based on the news or video that the page has.

I tried adding a variable to the $rootscope. This variable will be populated with the meta tags when it is relevant.

Now here is my issue. As soon as this variable gets populated with the HTML string, they don't form a part of the head and are instead outputted to the body. I have searched for a day and could not find any viable solutions. Any help would be appreciated

like image 863
Clyde Lobo Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 02:12

Clyde Lobo

1 Answers

I created an Angular module that can be used to set meta tags dynamically using the $routeProvider route definitions.

.config(function ($routeProvider, ngMetaProvider) {

  .when('/home', {
    templateUrl: 'home-template.html',
    meta: {
      //Sets 'Home Page' as the title when /home is open
      title: 'Home page', 
      description: 'This is the description of the home page!'
  .when('/login', {
    templateUrl: 'login-template.html',
    meta: {
      //Sets 'Login Page' as the title when /login is open
      title: 'Login page',
      description: 'Login to this wonderful website!'

You can then set the meta tags in HTML like so

<title ng-bind="ngMeta.title"></title>
<!-- OR <title>{{ngMeta.title}}</title> -->    

<!-- This meta tag can be set using ngMetaProvider -->
<meta property="og:type" content="{{ngMeta.ogType}}" />

<!-- Default locale is en_US -->
<meta property="og:locale" content="{{ngMeta.ogLocale}}" />

<!-- This meta tag changes based on the meta object of each route -->
<!-- or when the setDescription function is called -->
<meta name="description" content="{{ngMeta.description}}" />

To set the title, description and og:image dynamically, you can inject ngMeta into your controller

.controller('DemoCtrl', function(ngMeta) {

    ngMeta.setTitle('Demo page');
    ngMeta.setDescription('This is the description of the demo page');

Support for more tags and ui-router are in the works.

like image 124
WeNeigh Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 05:12
