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Angular directive testing select options

How do you select an option in an angular directive test?

 var options = elem.find('#test-code-select option');

These work fine, but how do I manually force the selection of an option?

angular.element(options[1]).click(); //nope
angular.element(options[1]).trigger('click'); //nope
angular.element(options[1]).attr('selected', true); //nope


The directive template includes a select with an internal ng-model, I suspect this is the cause of the problem:

<select id='test-code-select' ng-options='code as code for code in codeList' ng-model='code'>
like image 962
psugar Avatar asked May 27 '15 23:05


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1 Answers

This works for me:

var select = elem.find('#test-code-select');

Note the call to change().

like image 95
ejain Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
