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Angular Component Bindings Undefined

I'm trying to put together my first angular component with ngRoute and so far I'm unable to get data to resolve. config:

.when('/myfirstcomponent', {
    template: '<myfirstcomponent claimKeys="$resolve.claimKeys"></myfirstcomponent>',
    resolve: {
        claimKeys: ['$http', function($http) {
            $http.get('server/claimkeys.json').then((response) => {
                var claimKeys = response.data.DATASET.TABLE;
                return claimKeys;


    .component('myfirstcomponent', {
        bindings: {
            'claimKeys': '@'
        templateUrl: 'components/component.html',
        controller: [function() {
            this.$onInit = function() {
                var vm = this;


The html for the component simply has a p element with some random text that's all.

I can see when debugging that I am retrieving data but I cannot access it on the component controller...

EDIT: Thanks to the accepted answer below I have fixed my issue. It didn't have anything to do with an issue with asynchronous calls but with how I had defined my route and the component. See below code for fix. Thanks again.

like image 769
Mickers Avatar asked Sep 29 '16 19:09


1 Answers

some issues:

  • as you said claimKeys within directive should be claim-keys
  • its binding should be '<' (one way binding) or '=' (two way binding), but not '@' which just passes to directive a string found between quotes
  • in your directive's controller var vm = this; should be above $onInit function and not inside it (the scopes are different)
  • resolve.claimkeys should return $http's promise and not just call it
  • claimKeys should be received by router's controller as injection and passed to its template
  • controllerAs: '$resolve' should be used by router

    app.component('myfirstcomponent', {
      bindings: {
        'claimKeys': '='
      template: 'components/component.html',
      controller: function() {
        var vm = this;
        this.$onInit = function() {            
    app.config(function ($stateProvider) {
      $stateProvider.state('myfirstcomponent', {
        url: '/myfirstcomponent',
        template: '<myfirstcomponent claim-keys="$resolve.claimKeys"></myfirstcomponent>',
        resolve: {
          claimKeys: ['$http', function($http) {
            return $http.get('claimkeys.json').then((response) => {
              return response.data.DATASET.TABLE;
        controller: function (claimKeys) {
          this.claimKeys = claimKeys;
        controllerAs: '$resolve'

plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/Nam4D9zGpHvdWaTCYHSL?p=preview, I used here .state and not .when for routing.

like image 169
Andriy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
