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Angular: calling controller function inside a directive link function using &

We're running into a problem trying to call a function passed into a directive using the ampersand '&' in our directive's link function.

It seems the function is called on the controller but no arguments are passed in the call. All the examples we have seen involve passing through by creating a call in template. Is there a way to call a function on your directive from its template, then do something in the directive that calls the controller function passed into it?

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Walt Avatar asked May 30 '13 14:05


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1 Answers

Are you passing the arguments inside {}s? E.g., inside the directive's link function, you'll want to call the method like so: scope.someCtrlFn({arg1: someValue});

<div my-directive callback-fn="ctrlFn(arg1)"></div> 
app.directive('myDirective', function() {     return {         scope: { someCtrlFn: '&callbackFn' },         link: function(scope, element, attrs) {             scope.someCtrlFn({arg1: 22});         },     } });  function MyCtrl($scope) {     $scope.ctrlFn = function(test) {         console.log(test);     } } 


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Mark Rajcok Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10

Mark Rajcok