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Angular 2 native desktop app (without Electron) example


People also ask

Can I build desktop app with angular?

Conclusion. Angular is wonderful and enables developers to build modern web apps. But much of the Angular goodness—components, data-binding, routing and more, can be brought over to desktop apps.

Is Electron only for desktop apps?

You can deploy Electron apps to Mac, Windows, and Linux (excluding some distros like PureOS), but it can't be deployed to IOS or Android. There are solutions to this, like using Ionic, but many of those solutions require changing a lot of code and tooling.

Can angular be used with Electron?

The Angular project will be built inside the dist/electron-app folder and Electron will be started with a GUI window that should display the Angular application.

Is flutter good for desktop?

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Angular website (www.angular.io) claims Angular can be used for "For web, mobile web, native mobile and native desktop." I'd like to find out more about native desktop capabilities but can't find anything on angular.io site. Can someone point me to some documentation or examples?