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andThen for function of two arguments in Scala




Suppose I have two functions f and g:

val f: (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _
val g: Int => String = _ +  ""

Now I would like to compose them with andThen to get a function h

val h: (Int, Int) => String = f andThen g

Unfortunately it doesn't compile :(

scala> val h = (f andThen g)
<console> error: value andThen is not a member of (Int, Int) => Int
   val h = (f andThen g)

Why doesn't it compile and how can I compose f and g to get (Int, Int) => String ?

like image 441
Michael Avatar asked Feb 17 '15 16:02


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2 Answers

It doesn't compile because andThen is a method of Function1 (a function of one parameter: see the scaladoc).

Your function f has two parameters, so would be an instance of Function2 (see the scaladoc).

To get it to compile, you need to transform f into a function of one parameter, by tupling:

scala> val h = f.tupled andThen g
h: (Int, Int) => String = <function1>


scala> val t = (1,1)
scala> h(t)
res1: String = 2

You can also write the call to h more simply because of auto-tupling, without explicitly creating a tuple (although auto-tupling is a little controversial due to its potential for confusion and loss of type-safety):

scala> h(1,1)
res1: String = 2
like image 155
DNA Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 03:10


Function2 does not have an andThen method.

You can manually compose them, though:

val h: (Int, Int) => String = { (x, y) => g(f(x,y)) }
like image 22
Michael Zajac Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 04:10

Michael Zajac