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Android WorkManager has error when testing with Robolectric

I'm using Android work manager with a custom initialization. to do that i disable auto-initialization in the manifest like this

        android:exported="false" />

And in application code I use this code

private fun initWorkManager() {
    WorkManager.initialize(this, Configuration.Builder().run {

And it works fine when I run my application. But when I'm testing with roboletric any class that needs the context by RuntimeEnvironment.application throws this exception

java.lang.IllegalStateException: WorkManager is already initialized.  
Did you try to initialize it manually without disabling 
WorkManagerInitializer? See WorkManager#initialize(Context, 
Configuration) or the class levelJavadoc for more information.

The initWorkManager() get calls and throw this beacuse it doesn't know auto-init is already disabled in the manifest and somehow my test cannot read the values from the manifest file.

Any help or suggestion will be appritiated.

like image 480
Alireza A. Ahmadi Avatar asked Jan 08 '19 07:01

Alireza A. Ahmadi

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1 Answers

I solved a similar issue with the help of the Androidx Work Manager testing utils. For reference see the docs here: Android work manager testing docs

Basically what you need to do is add a dependency to include the work manger test utils:

testImplementation 'androidx.work:work-testing:2.0.1'

Then you will be able to call code in your test setup similar to this:

final Configuration config = new Configuration.Builder()
    .setExecutor(new SynchronousExecutor())
    context, config);

Whereas the context could obtained in different ways, depending on your test infrastructure.

With this approach no other steps like excluding something from the manifest are necessary.

like image 167
Christian.D Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
