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Android with Room - How to set a foreign key nullable

I'm using Room in my Android app. One table (stock_move) contains several Foreign keys. In some case, I need to insert a stock_move without a FK (locationDestId). In this case, SQLite raise an error:

io.reactivex.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: foreign key constraint failed (code 19)

There is my entity:

@Entity(tableName = "stock_move",
    foreignKeys = {
                    entity = LocationEntity.class,
                    parentColumns = "id",
                    childColumns = "location_id",
                    onDelete = CASCADE

                    entity = LocationEntity.class,
                    parentColumns = "id",
                    childColumns = "location_dest_id",
                    onDelete = CASCADE
                    entity = ProductEntity.class,
                    parentColumns = "id",
                    childColumns = "product_id",
                    onDelete = CASCADE
                    entity = UomEntity.class,
                    parentColumns = "id",
                    childColumns = "uom_id",
                    onDelete = CASCADE
public class StockMoveEntity {
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    private int id;

    private String name;

    private int mProductId;

    private int mUomId;

    private int mLocationId;

    private int mLocationDestId;

    private int mProductQty;

    public StockMoveEntity(int id, String name, int productId, int uomId, int locationId, int locationDestId, int productQty) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;
        mProductId = productId;
        mUomId = uomId;
        mLocationId = locationId;
        mLocationDestId = locationDestId;
        mProductQty = productQty;
like image 946
sylvainvh Avatar asked Feb 22 '18 17:02


People also ask

Can foreign key be nullable?

A foreign key is nullable if any part is nullable. A foreign key value is null if any part is null.

Can Room primary key be null?

In short you cannot utilise primary keys that do not have the NOT NULL constraint, when Room builds the schema it is always applied to primary keys.

How do I allow null values in a room database?

In Kotlin, this means that title can never be null. To fix this, you just need to change the Entity class a bit, and allow the fields to be Nullable . val type: Int, val url: String?

1 Answers

If you change the data type for the mLocationDestId variable from int to Integer the schema should be generated without the NOT NULL constraint for your location_dest_id column since Integer is nullable.

I've only tested this with version 1.1.0-alpha3 of room so I don't know if it works with 1.0.0 as well.

like image 115
davidk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
