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Android, Why launcher icon and other images never change when I update my images?

I released one version of my application. For this version I had an image for launcher icon. For next version (update), I replaced this icon with other image.

My problem is when I update last version with new one, new launcher icon doesn't display and old one is still displaying.

However, if I clear data before uninstall and after that uninstall then by installing new version I can see new launcher image. The problem is I cannot ask all customers one by one please clear data and then uninstall before updating to new version.

What is the solution?

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Hesam Avatar asked Oct 15 '12 04:10


1 Answers

I have changed launcher icons for my apps several times, and have no problems with it (user base is few millions users). You have nothing to do in your source code, just replace your .png file in res folder and rebuild your project.

Note: if you are building final .apk using some IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, etc.) do not forget to refresh and make a full clean of your project before building it.

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HitOdessit Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
