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Android: What's the difference between a title bar and an ActionBar

I can't tell if they're the same thing or not and they seem to have different methods for removing them but I'm not sure if those are just multiple methods to do the same thing or not.

So is there a difference and if there is what is it?


  • https://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.id.html#title
  • https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActionBar.html (with material design, it is usually represented by a Toolbar)
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user2312638 Avatar asked Oct 09 '13 17:10


People also ask

What is the difference between an ActionBar and a toolbar?

The Toolbar is basically the advanced successor of the ActionBar. It is much more flexible and customizable in terms of appearance and functionality. Unlike ActionBar, its position is not hardcoded i.e., not at the top of an activity.

What is ActionBar in Android?

Android ActionBar is a menu bar that runs across the top of the activity screen in android. Android ActionBar can contain menu items which become visible when the user clicks the “menu” button. In general an ActionBar consists of the following four components: App Icon: App branding logo or icon will be displayed here.

What is an ActionBar?

In Android applications, ActionBar is the element present at the top of the activity screen. It is a salient feature of a mobile application that has a consistent presence over all its activities. It provides a visual structure to the app and contains some of the frequently used elements for the users.

What is title bar in Android?

Android Title Bar or ActionBar or Toolbar is the header of any screen in an App.

1 Answers

The Title bar is a small part of the UI that you can supply with some text and a color. You see it on a lot of Android 2.0 Apps. See here

The Actionbar is the bar with buttons that has back navigation etc. If you can chose, you use it instead of the Titlebar. See here

like image 141
meredrica Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 13:10
