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Android: What is Binder Thread?


I use Debug.startMethodTracing for my purposes and in the output file I can see(I don't use IPC):

8   Binder Thread #2 7   Binder Thread #1 

For what it is?

like image 407
pvllnspk Avatar asked Mar 05 '13 10:03


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Binder is an Android-specific interprocess communication mechanism, and remote method invocation system. That is, one Android process can call a routine in another Android process, using binder to indentify the method to invoke and pass the arguments between processes.

1 Answers

Binder thread represents a separate thread of your service. Binder is a mechanism that provides Inter Process Communication.

Let's consider an example. Imagine that you have service Process B (see picture). And you have several applications that communicate with this service B (one of this application is, for instance, Process A). Thus, one service B should provide different results simultaneously to different applications. Thus, you need to run several replicas of Service B for different applications. Android runs these replicas in different threads of the Process B and these threads are called "Binder Thread #N".

Binder communication

I took the picture here, where you can also read what Binder is.

like image 135
Yury Avatar answered Feb 17 '23 02:02
