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Android view turn off implicit state retaining for some view




I have custom View which is dynamically added multiple times in same activity.

Each of custom view instance has beside other stuff a TextView child. The TextView has it's ID and it is same for each view instance.

For each custom view instance I set different Text for TextView when activity is created. When I rotate the screen, the activity is recreated but now each TextView displays same Text (text is same as text of the last instance).

This is because the save and restore of instance state saves some information automatically, but this information is obviously linked to IDs and in my case creates the problem.

Is there a way to disable automatic state retaining for particular views?

Is there a property or setting or some workaround?

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Dusan Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 15:03


Video Answer

2 Answers

You can use View.setSaveEnabled (boolean enabled) method.

It's also possible to disable automatic state saving via xml using saveEnabled attribute android:saveEnabled="false"

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Vladimir Mironov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Vladimir Mironov

if you need apply setSaveEnabled for all hierarchy:

    public static void SaveEnableViewAndChildren(this View view, bool val)     {         if (view == null)             return;         view.SaveEnabled = val;          var viewGroup = view as ViewGroup;         if (viewGroup == null)             return;         for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.ChildCount; i++)             SaveEnableViewAndChildren(viewGroup.GetChildAt(i), val);     } 
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Danil Shaykhutdinov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Danil Shaykhutdinov