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android: validate the identity of intent sender

I work in a company that produces several apps, not all those apps have the same signature or more like it we have at least 5-6 apps certificates for the time being.

We tried to create a mechanism in which all the companie's apps on the same device share the same is, For example if user installed from the market App A and no app installed, a new ID will be generated, if now he installs App A, app B should have the same id as App A(id is just a generated UUID type #4) etc...

We are using broadcast at the moment and only apps with our permission can receive that broadcast and send back the id with another broadcast(explicit this time). The broadcast and the responses are protected with our permission with signature level, this is of course not helping since we have more than one signature.

I tried to write an intent broadcast and recover that can have it's own mechanism of protection that will not be limited to only one signature but several, the problem is that things like Binder.getSenderUID() doesn't work for broadcasts and i get my own uid. it looks like i have no way to get the identity of my snder unless he itself writes his id in the intent, which is NOT something i can trust as it can be easily faked. Using encryption requires the apps to come with a key on them, which is not secured once more, turning to a server for validation takes too much time and on mobile not guaranteed to success since not 100% sure there is network around.

Anyone has any idea how can one get a validate\secure message from one app to another ?(all my apps but may have different signatures).

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codeScriber Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 07:03


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1 Answers

As always with a challenging question here i never get a proper, if ANY!' answer, so i'm forced to find it myself.

The problem with Intents is that it's not possible to get the sender as they are the parallel to mulicast in a network where there sender's address is not important.

If i wish to get the snder's UID i need to make a "remote" process even if he is local, instead of using broadcast IPC i need to use AIDL with IBInder implementation. Once i have a Binder object i can call in my service getCallingUid() and get the uid of the caller, this will allow me to ask PackageManager to give me it's public certificate (without asking the process itself, i ask the OS) and compare it to a set of certificates i prepared in advance in the apk.

The calling application on the other side(the other process that sends me it's ID) just has to use the bindService(service, conn, flags) method to bind to me. The disadvantage to this approach is ofcourse the time consuming process, Bind takes time, it's an async call that pass through the kernel and is not as fast as binding to a local service. Moreover since i might have several applications i need to synchronize the access my internal ID so only the first binding call that didn't fail will set and ID for me. I still need to check if i can use the Messanger method that prevents the multi thread issues.

Hopes this helps someone else.

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codeScriber Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 19:10
