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Android update causing error: Error:java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /home/path/.android/build-cache.lock

Updated Android Studio from version 2.3 to 3.1 Canary. But there seems to be a huge problem with Gradle.

Error:java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /home/pathname/.android/build-cache.lock

What I did:

  1. Deleted .gradle, thought it will solve the issue, but not, after rebuilding the project, .gradle again appears.
  2. Deleted all android related things from system (SDK, Android Studio and remaining projects) and from zero started to download Android Studio with all required packages. Still, the same problem.
  3. Changed android studio version from 3.1 canary to 3.0, also no success.
  4. Looked at this post, but didnt help.
  5. Read in some posts that this happens when Android Studio is corrupted. but I have downloaded from official site.

Any ideas how to fix it?

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Zafar Kurbonov Avatar asked Nov 07 '17 17:11

Zafar Kurbonov

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4 Answers

Open Android Studio as administrator..it worked for me.

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theavatar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10


I got the same error trying to Sync the project after an update. What solved the problem was giving the right permission to the .android folder, instead of running the studio on root mode (It would reinstall all SDK under root if you don't specify that you already have it under you user).

So, open the terminal and type:

sudo chown -R root:YOURUSERNAME /home/YOURUSERNAME_FOLDER/.android/
sudo chmod -R 775 /home/YOURUSERNAME_FOLDER/.android/

Easy fix, I hope it helps somebody.

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Ailison Carvalho Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10

Ailison Carvalho

Solved, in Linux I changed ownership and mode of the directory to that of below:

sudo chown MyUserName:MyUserName // This allows to change from administrator access to user access. Note it should be executed from there, where your android studio is located. Either it might be in /Home or /Download folder

sudo chmod -664 //This allowed files to be readable and writeable.

Reinstallation or other extra stuff dont seem to help, unless you do deal with proper root specification and file mode.

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Zafar Kurbonov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10

Zafar Kurbonov

You can either start Android Studio as an Administrator. But this might be just a workaround and is not practically for some people. Fortunately, there is another way of avoiding this problem:

  1. Open Explorer
  2. Go to the folder where the build-cache file is located
  3. Right-Click on it
  4. Change the permissions for the file to have full access as a User

This should solve the problem and worked great with a similar problem (android.lock file actually!)

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Matthäus Schwarzkogler Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Matthäus Schwarzkogler