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Android - unable to uninstall application

I have some Android market feedback for my app Hire*A*Droid where users complain that they are unable to uninstall the application. Here's two I have so far (about 10 days apart):

janelle: I uninstalled this app, but its still showing that its 
         installed under my downloads. What can i do ?
valerie: It's frozen I can't open or delete it. 
         anyone can help n tell me how..thanks

The app has nothing really special or tricky about it and I never experienced anything of the sort so I'm really lost at what this may be, how real it is and how to reproduce and deal with it? Any ideas, suggestions? If you have any questions that you think may help with this problem I'll be happy to provide more details

P.S. Worth nothing to mention - both complaints cost me a single star rating and no additional info was provided

P.P.S. After comment from PHP Jedi I noticed similar comments for other apps while browsing Android Market. I think this is quite common and it looks like Market bug. I will try to open a bug on Android Market support site

Cross-referenced to Android Market forum

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Bostone Avatar asked Jan 06 '10 07:01


People also ask

How do I uninstall an app that won't uninstall?

Find your device's security settings. You may have to tap other security settings. Click on device admin apps to see a list of apps that have, and can be given, administrator privileges. Find the app in the list that you'd like to uninstall and tap it to revoke its privileges.

2 Answers

I purchased a DROID a week back and was having the same problem. To uninstall an application from the DROID do the following.

Uninstalling an application from Android OS v2.1

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to Applications
  3. Go to Manage applications.
  4. Touch the application you wish to uninstall.
  5. Touch uninstall.
  6. Enjoy the fact that the application is gone.

The confusion I'm guessing your commenter's are having is when you hold your finger on an application you can drag it to a trash bin. This makes you think you are deleting the application when really you are removing it from your favorite applications list. Its very misleading.

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crv Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10


from what i understand (i don't work on Market myself), the "Downloads" list inside Market can be out of date for up to a day, until it next gets an update from the server. the app isn't actually installed anymore, and Settings > Applications > Manage Applications will show that it is indeed gone.

i reported this as a Market bug internally last year. i've just added a link to this page from that bug, and i'll try to get someone to look at it.

(it may even already be fixed in newer versions. it would be interesting to know the most recent version you've seen it in.)

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Elliott Hughes Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10

Elliott Hughes