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Android text view color doesn't change when disabled

People also ask

How do I turn off the color on my Android?

Drag the Grayscale icon up into the panel of icons, and you'll have one-tap access to your phone's grayscale mode whenever you need it. The grayscale toggle switch is part of a new Digital Wellbeing suite of tools built into the latest versions of Android.

How do I change text view on Android?

Set The Text of The TextView You can set the text to be displayed in the TextView either when declaring it in your layout file, or by using its setText() method. The text is set via the android:text attribute. You can either set the text as attribute value directly, or reference a text defined in the strings.

I think what's happening is that since you're overriding the default textcolor it isn't inheriting the other textcolor styles. Try creating a ColorStateList for it and setting the textColor attribute to it instead of to a color.

In a color file (eg res/color/example.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <item android:state_enabled="false" android:color="@color/disabled_color" />
    <item android:color="@color/normal_color"/>

then in your layout:

    android:text="whatever text you want"
    android:textColor="@color/example" />

Note, I haven't done this in a while and I'm typing a lot of this from memory, so it may need a little tweaking. The ColorStateList docs (linked above) have a more fleshed-out example for the color XML file.