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Android take screenshot via code

This shouldn't be too tough of a question. I want the ability to take a screenshot of my layout (view) and send it via sms. Can someone walk me though the steps?


Edit: It doesn't have to be a 'screenshot' I guess, just as long as we can get all of the rendered pixels from a view somehow.

like image 658
Peanut Avatar asked May 09 '11 16:05


People also ask

What is the code for screen shot?

Depending on your hardware, you may use the Windows Logo Key + PrtScn button as a shortcut for print screen. If your device does not have the PrtScn button, you may use Fn + Windows logo key + Space Bar to take a screenshot, which can then be printed.

1 Answers

Around the web I found some snippets of code that I was able to get working together.

Here is a solution that works well:

Setting up your Root layout:

View content = findViewById(R.id.layoutroot);

Function to get the rendered view:

private void getScreen()
    View content = findViewById(R.id.layoutroot);
    Bitmap bitmap = content.getDrawingCache();
    File file = new File("/sdcard/test.png");
        FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(file);
        bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 100, ostream);
    catch (Exception e) 
like image 165
Peanut Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 01:11
