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android-support-v4.jar isn't importing correctly in Eclipse

I'm trying to get an app to compile that uses the android-support-v4.jar and the Fragmentation classes it contains, but I keep getting messages whenever I try to compile that there are errors in the code. All of the errors have to do with different Fragmentation classes that are in the .JAR. I have tried ctrl-clicking the project folder and then selecting Android Tools -> Add Compatibility Library and I keep getting this error:

[2011-12-20 11:55:31 - Android Compatibility JAR not found:]

Why would it be looking for the .JAR in Eclipse's Package Contents? I've gone into the project properties and went to the Java Build Path, and imported the .JAR from the MainActivity/libs folder, that didn't work, and then I tried to import it from my SDK directory, and that didn't work. I've fixed the project properties and cleaned and built it countless times, I've restarted Eclipse, my computer, re-downloaded and installed Eclipse, the Android SDK's and ADT and still nothing. I am completely stumped.


I've gone through the build path and imported the .JAR from both the MainActivity/libs and my SDK directory. For the hell of it I added the .JAR in the directory that keeps appearing in the errors and that hasn't worked. What's making Eclipse look for it in it's Application Package Contents?


So after tinkering the project contents aren't showing any errors but the MainActivity folder still says that there is one and I still can't compile.

Like nyah:

enter image description here


So I think the question may be "Why is Eclipse looking for the .JAR in the Eclipse Application's package contents instead of the libs directory of the project or the Android SDK directory that I used to import it as an external .JAR?"

Update #2

I am only getting one error now after tinkering, it's on this method:

public MenuItem setOnActionExpandListener(OnActionExpandListener onActionExpandListener) {
    // Noop
    return this;

The Quick Fix says that I should delete the @Override annotation but that method must override a super class method.

These are the errors that it shows:

Multiple markers at this line
- The method setOnActionExpandListener(MenuItem.OnActionExpandListener) of type SimpleMenuItem must override a superclass method
- implements android.view.MenuItem.setOnActionExpandListener
like image 877
JustLikeThat Avatar asked Dec 20 '11 18:12


1 Answers

Looks like it is looking for jar here :/Applications/eclipse/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/v4/android-support-v4.jar

android-support-v4.jar is found in <sdk>/extras/android/compatibility/v4

Please make sure you add this as an external jar in the java build path

like image 118
Rajdeep Dua Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09

Rajdeep Dua