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Android studio suddenly cannot resolve symbol R

I was having a project open in Android studio. It was generated by the wizard and working fine.

I did some small changes to activity_main.xml and when I changed back to MainActivity.java i get the error in several places that it cannot resolve R. I might have done something to cause this. But I´m not sure what since it appered when I edited the xml.

Does anyone know what might be the solution to this? I can find the R.java in r/release/packege/com/ and it looks fine.

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Einar Sundgren Avatar asked Jun 14 '13 15:06

Einar Sundgren

People also ask

What is the R in Android Studio?

R is created as part of building your project. To allow code-completion and other assistance features of Android Studio to work, R gets re-created whenever you add, rename, or remove a resource, as R is an “index” of all of the resources in your app.

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The cannot find symbol error, also found under the names of symbol not found and cannot resolve symbol , is a Java compile-time error which emerges whenever there is an identifier in the source code which the compiler is unable to work out what it refers to.

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R. java is the generated file by ADT or Android studio. It will be located under app\build\generated\source\r directory.

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In JavaLanguage, if you get 'cannot resolve symbol', you have used a name that the compiler hasn't recognized. Class names -- If it is a class name, the compiler cannot find the class.

2 Answers

I just had this problem and the reason was that after editing the layout android studio automatically added an import to the source files:

import android.R

Of course the main R class has not all the symbols in your layouts, which made everything a red mess. Removing that line solved for me.

EDIT: Seems like eclipse had the same problem early on.

like image 76
Roberto Piva Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09

Roberto Piva

In addition, make sure you do not have a drawable with an invalid name. I had a drawable with a numeric filename and that didn't sit well with Android so it failed to compile R.java.

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Tash Pemhiwa Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Tash Pemhiwa