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android studio navigate back shortcut not working in windows

Has anyone (who is using windows) had this problem that navigate back shortcut in Android Studio is not working? The shortcut key Alt+Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow is not working, which, I guess, is because of conflicting with some graphic card's shortcut. Is there a way to get rid of that?

I tried to disable the key combination in the graphic card setting, but still not working. It's intel graphic card, btw.

Another fact is that after I remove the combination in Android studio keymap, the adding shortcut setting does not recognized the key combination.

like image 483
skyin Avatar asked Apr 14 '15 12:04


People also ask

How do you go back a window with the keyboard?

You can use the Backspace key to go back (above the big Enter key). Hold down the Alt key and then press left arrow while still holding down Alt. You can use the Backspace key to go back (above the big Enter key). or Hold down the Alt key and then press left arrow while still holding down Alt.

What does Alt enter do in Android Studio?

The Alt+Enter shortcut on android studio will help automatically fix "Unresolved reference" error adding the import statements needed.

2 Answers


Control Panel[Select large icon]> Find Intel graphics option > Open setting screen

Just try to customize new hotkeys in Intel Graphics panel, does not metter - disable or enable this hot keys enter image description here

like image 57
Anton Chontoroh Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09

Anton Chontoroh

Just disable the hot keys from the graphics option -> Hot Keys -> Disable in the tray. Worked for me.

Edit: Added screenshot

like image 45
Pallavi Aggarwal Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Pallavi Aggarwal