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Android Studio hint not auto hiding

I've accidentally changed pinned/floating mode settings on a hint window. Now, the hint appears but doesn't hide as it should. Here is the demonstration of the issue:

enter image description here

As seen on the GIF above, hint window displays correctly, but doesn't close when it should close. How can I make it behave normal? I've tried all the modes (docked, floating, pinned...) but none of them result in the behavior that I want.

like image 367
Can Poyrazoğlu Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 13:06

Can Poyrazoğlu

1 Answers

The quick documentation window is a bit unique. It can function as either a pop-up (the default) or a tool window. Right now you are in Tool Window mode. All the settings you talked about (float, dock, pinned, etc.) are tool window settings. What you want to do is restore it to pop-up mode clicking the red X in the tool bar of the window:

enter image description here

...or by using the "Quick Documentation" short cut Ctrl+Q or ,J on a Mac.

like image 90
Javaru Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09
