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Android studio | Dependency Management

Can anyone suggest, how can we add a dependency at build time in android gradle based on some condition like:

           // add dependency

Thanks in advance!!

like image 856
Ashlesha Sharma Avatar asked Feb 16 '18 09:02

Ashlesha Sharma

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1 Answers

I found a solution for this:

Step1: Declare a boolean variable in gradle at root level.

like: def someDependencyEnabled = true //This could be dynamically set.

Step2: Using this boolean variable we can apply a check like:

    //Add some dependency
    //Add some other dependency

Step3: Define Different source set for different situations:

android.sourceSets {
        main {
            java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', someDependencyEnabled ? 'src/dependency_enabled_src' : 'src/dependency_disabled_src']


where: 'src/main/java' : is the common src file which contain common code.

'src/dependency_enabled_src': is the source folder that contain dependency specific code. which is further used by 'src/main/java'.

'src/dependency_disabled_src': is the source folder that contain alternate code when particular dependency is disabled.

In my case I wrote same name classes, methods & package name in both folders (dependency_enabled & dependency_disabled src) and wrote methods with desired implementation in dependency_enabled_src & empty methods for dependency_disabled_src.

like image 135
Ashlesha Sharma Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Ashlesha Sharma