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Android Studio Collapse definitions and methods

How can I collapse all definitions and methods within the Android Studio editor?

Visual Studio has that option on Edit-->Outlining, but I cannot find a similar feature in Android Studio. I am sure that this feature exists.

How can I access Android Studio's outlining feature?

like image 987
Devsined Avatar asked Aug 26 '13 13:08


1 Answers

It is called Folding in Android Studio.

First make sure it is enabled in config (it should be by default). Go to File -> Settings, then under the IDE Settings area find Editor -> General -> Code Folding, check the Show code folding outline.

To collapse/expand items use the Code -> Folding menu.

To customize the keyboard shortcuts for these open Settings (File -> Settings) then select Keymap under IDE Settings. Now type folding into the search box (top right). Setup the keyboard shortcut for the various folding actions :)

like image 182
free3dom Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10
