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Android Studio, change the editor background color (not the whole theme)



The same question was marked as "duplicate" even though it obviously was not a duplicate. At least it should be obvious to anyone who is familiar with configuring an editor. When you want to change the background color, you aren't talking about changing the whole theme, you are talking about changing the background color.

Is there a way to change only the background color in Android Studio editor?

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user61252 Avatar asked Sep 29 '14 20:09


People also ask

How do I make my background White on Android?

Use either the Auto or manual mode to remove the background. Tap on the next icon at the top. Tap on Color tab at the bottom. Using sliders, select the color white.

How do I change the light mode in Android Studio?

Go to File > Settings, now under IDE settings click on appearance and select the theme of your choice from the dropdown. File > Import Settings , select the file or your choice and select ok a pop up to restart the studio will open up click yes and studio will restart and your theme will be applied.

4 Answers

Sorry, but I believe you all have this one wrong. To change the background of the editor goto File, Settings, Editor, Colors & Fonts and select General. You'll see an item called "Default text". On the right of the window you will see a checkbox for background. Click in the color window and choose whichever color you prefer. Now the entire editor window will show that color as the background.

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user3154790 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10


go to : Android Studio > Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts > General

enter image description here

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ismail Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10


In Android Studio 3.2.1 Windows (latest version as of today - Nov 2, 2018), go to File > Settings > Editor > Color scheme > General > Text-Default text. One can change foreground and background colors using the panel on the right.

One can change the bottom logcat panel colors similarly - go to File > Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > Console Colors > Console (or log Console)

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Venu G. Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 04:10

Venu G.

Yes it is. Open Settings (Preferences on a Mac) and under IDE Settings expand Editor, Colors & Fonts and select General. You'll see Background in a menu on the left side. Click on the checkbox next to it if it's not ticked already and then double click on the square filled with current background color to get the color picker.

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LukaCiko Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10
