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Android Studio: automatically signing apps

I'm uncertain about this part of the google docs for signing my app on android studios - http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html:

enter image description here

When I create my signed apps, in android studios, I usually go to: Build > Generate Signed APK and then fill in the details for my keystore. The release apk is then generated to a location I specify.

What does google mean in this section where I can sign my apps automatically? Do they mean I need to config android studio first before I click on assembleRelease in gradle?

enter image description here

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Simon Avatar asked Mar 21 '16 10:03


1 Answers

After you provide Signing info in Android Studio (alias, password, etc.) your release apk will be signed by specified key.

To choose release build variant you need to go View -> Tool Windows -> Build Variants and change 'debug' to 'release' and Run the app.

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Yev Kanivets Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Yev Kanivets