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Android studio 3.0 does not generate signed apk

After updating android studio to version 3.0 (windows), I am unable to generate a signed APK.

enter image description here

When build has completed, i get the message:

enter image description here

Clicking "Locate" brings me to the APP folder, but there is no APK to be found.

What has been changed ?

like image 370
JPJens Avatar asked Oct 26 '17 08:10


People also ask

Where is generated signed apk?

The Signed APK file is named app-release. You will find it in your project folder in the app/release directory.

Why is apk unsigned?

Unsigned Apk, as the name suggests it means it is not signed by any Keystore. A Keystore is basically a binary file that contains a set of private keys. Every App that we install using the Google Play App Store needs to be signed with a Keystore.

2 Answers

Since Android Studio 3.0 update, the apk generated will be in


Also 1 more file is generated Output.json which holds the apk generation details.


[      {         "outputType":{            "type":"APK"       },       "apkInfo":{            "type":"MAIN",          "splits":[             ],          "versionCode":1       },       "path":"app-debug.apk",       "properties":{            "packageId":"njscommunity.xxxxx",          "split":"",          "minSdkVersion":"19"       }    } ] 

All depends on Gradle build, so at the end it all depends on Gradle version you build with. i.e. Gradle Android plugin for Android Studio.

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Niraj Sanghani Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

Niraj Sanghani

Android Studio 3.0 Now creates a "release" folder inside the specified destination folder and places the release apk inside that.

{APK Destination Folder}\release\app-release.apk

OR as mentioned by @velis

{APK Destination Folder} \ {flavor} \ {variant} \ {apkname}.apk

For Example:- In your case: C:\apps\app\release\app-release.apk

like image 38
Sahil Kapoor Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

Sahil Kapoor