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Android SQLite query where column is not null and not empty

I cannot figure out the syntax for the .query call. I need to select all records that match a certain column that do not have a null or empty value for a second (different) column

my best attempt:

Cursor cursor = mDatabase.query(DatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_ROOMS, mAllColumns,
    + " =? AND " + DatabaseOpenHelper.KEY_ISO + " IS NOT NULL OR NOT ?",
    new String[]{String.valueOf(hospitalId), ""}, null, null, null);

This is returning ALL records. If I use AND in place of OR, it returns records matching hospitalId, but ignores the NOT NULL OR NOT "" part.

Any tips? Should I use a rawQuery call?

like image 921
cfrz Avatar asked Jul 12 '15 21:07


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2 Answers

I believe the correct syntax would be:

AND key IS NOT NULL AND key != ""

where key is your column

like image 110
BladeCoder Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10


If multiple spaces can be in your column and you also want to treat them as empty values use TRIM

column_name IS NOT NULL AND TRIM(column_name," ") != ""
like image 5
Hugo Matilla Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

Hugo Matilla