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Android Soft keyboard: Next button not "tabbing" between HTML5 number inputs

I was testing out the HTML5 input type "number" with my Android phone. Whilst doing this I noticed that when the soft keyboard is active on a number input type the next button doesn't appear to tab between inputs.

Now I assume it should tab between inputs but I can't find any definite wording that says this is the case.

I am currently using Android 4.1.1 with the stock browser. I have also tried in Chrome with the same results.

I have a sample page here : http://jsfiddle.net/axECg/ and here is the code for it:

        <form id="myForm">
            Number 1<input type="number" id="numA" name="numA" /><br />
            Number 2<input type="number" id="numB" name="numB" />

Am I doing something wrong? Or just expecting a bit too much in regards to HTML5 + Android at the moment?


like image 771
Gareth Hastings Avatar asked Oct 22 '12 12:10

Gareth Hastings

1 Answers

This does appear to be a limitation of Chrome/Android browser. An issue has been logged. I've tested the example (and tried some modifications) on two devices with multiple browsers.

Nexus 7 4.2.1 and Samsung S3 4.1.1

  • Chrome: 'Next' button shows but does not function
  • FF Mobile: Works as expected

I've also tested input types: email, text, tel. In Chrome they either show a non-functional 'Next' button or no 'Next' button. FF Mobile has a working 'Next' button for all cases.

like image 175
myanimal Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10
