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Android SDK Manager Not Installing Components




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How do I install missing components in SDK manager?

@jamesemanon I solved this issue: 1) open android studio. 2) Go to Preferences -> Appearance & Behavior -> System settings -> Android SDK. 3) Click on the SDK tools tab. 4) Search for Android SDK command-line tools and install them.

How install Android SDK build Tools manually?

Install the SDKClick Tools > SDK Manager. In the SDK Platforms tab, select Android 12. In the SDK Tools tab, select Android SDK Build-Tools 31. Click OK to install the SDK.

Try running Android Studio as an administrator, by right-clicking on the .exe and selecting "Run As Administrator".

Also, some anti-virus programs have been known to interfere with SDK Manager.

I was getting a similar permission issue and SDK Manager could not download and install new components. Error message was (I'm running Android Studio (I/O Preview) 0.2.9)

"Unable to create C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\temp"

Although solution was infact what @william-tate's answer says, I could not run the 'SDK Manager' directly. It fails with message:

Failed to execute tools\android.bat The system cannot find the file specified.

Instead I ran the 'tools\android.bat' as Administrator, which in turn launched SDK Manager with same permissions which fixed the issue.

Hope this helps for someone who faces the issue I faced.

In Mac OS X (tried with Android Studio), do the following in Terminal

cd /android/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64/sdk/tools 
sudo ./android sdk

This launches SDK manager as admin. Now update/install the packages from SDK manager and it'll work.

For Android Studio, selecting "Run As Administrator" while starting Android Studio helps.

In my case I had to specify proxy settings in Tools->Options.

I had same problem when I try to install it on my pc (Win7, 64-bit system). I had an error message shown in figure below. But when I check my local folder 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\sdk', the Android SDK is already there. Somehow Android studio could not see/link it.

So please check first whether you can find the Android SDK in the local folder. If yes, just follow the next steps.

  1. Chose 'Cancel' and click on 'X' on the top right corner. enter image description here
  2. Chose 'Do not re-run the setup wizard' and click 'OK' enter image description here
  3. Start Android Studio again and go 'Configure'-->'Project Defaults' --> 'Project Structure' enter image description here
  4. Add 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\sdk' to 'Android Location' and click 'OK' List item
  5. Click on 'Start a new Android Studio project'.

Hopefully it helps.

I had a similar issue - very slow xml downloads followed by an empty package list. The SDK, it seems, was trying to use legacy Java installation. Setting the JAVA_HOME to the 1.6 jdk did the trick.