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Android Room: Efficient way to transform json result into db object


I have a POJO parsed from an API call which looks like this

public class Article {

  public Long id;

  public String section;

  public String title;

  public List<String> topics;

  public List<Media> media;

For the sake of minimizing redundancy and duplicates, I am looking to create a schema like this

@Entity(foreignKeys = { 
          @ForeignKey(entity = Article.class, parentColumns = "id", childColumns = "articleId"), 
          @ForeignKey(entity = Topic.class, parentColumns = "id", childColumns = "topicId"),
          @ForeignKey(entity = Media.class, parentColumns = "id", childColumns = "mediaId")
public class Articles {

    public Long articleId; 

    @ColumnInfo(name = "topic_id")
    public Long topicId;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "media_id")
    public Long mediaId;

public class Article {
    // Left out

public class Media {
    // Left out

As you can see, when I call the DAO methods to access the database, I can not just pass in the pojo object directly (unless I am mistaken about this). I believe I need to transform the object to one which matches the database entity model.


Does the Android Framework provide a natural way to convert from POJO to the database model object? Is there a way to do this other than manually converting it myself?

Things I've Tried

  • I know that I can implement the conversion inside a method within my DAO interface. But then I would have to create a new object and set all the values manually.
  • I initially thought typeconverters would work but they seem to convert individual columns.
like image 786
Kevin.Lam Avatar asked Oct 03 '18 04:10


People also ask

Which method is used to convert JSON data to object?

JSON.parse() The JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string. An optional reviver function can be provided to perform a transformation on the resulting object before it is returned.

What is TypeConverter in Android?

Use type converters You support custom types by providing type converters, which are methods that tell Room how to convert custom types to and from known types that Room can persist. You identify type converters by using the @TypeConverter annotation.

1 Answers

All you have to do is use @Embedded annotation for your POJO(Model Class) which will refer to another class. then create a type converter class.

 @Embedded(prefix = "media")
private Meida media;

@Database(entities = {Article .class,Media.class}, version = 1, exportSchema = false)
public abstract class `DataBaseExample` extends RoomDatabase {

public class Converters {
    public static ArrayList<String> fromString(String value) {
        Type listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>() {}.getType();
        return new Gson().fromJson(value, listType);

    public static String fromArrayLisr(ArrayList<String> list) {
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String json = gson.toJson(list);
        return json;

    public class TypeConvertorClass {
    public static Media getMedia(String longId) {
        return longId== null ? null : new Meida();

  @Entity(tableName = "Article")
    public class Article {
        @ColumnInfo (name = "article_id")
        public Long id;

    public String section;

    public String title;

    public List<String> topics;

   @Embedded(prefix = "media") // We need relation to Media table
    public List<Media> media;

public class Media {
    @ColumnInfo (name = "media_id")
    public Long id;
like image 102
Atif AbbAsi Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Atif AbbAsi