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Android resource linking failed due to missing boolean resource values using Jetpack Workflow

I am using some of the Jetpack libraries and also using instantstart.

I am getting these errors:

Android resource linking failed Output: /base/build/intermediates/merged_manifests/debugFeature/processDebugFeatureManifest/merged/AndroidManifest.xml:66: error: resource bool/enable_system_alarm_service_default (aka farm.app:bool/enable_system_alarm_service_default) not found.

/base/build/intermediates/merged_manifests/debugFeature/processDebugFeatureManifest/merged/AndroidManifest.xml:71: error: resource bool/enable_system_job_service_default (aka farm.app:bool/enable_system_job_service_default) not found.

/base/build/intermediates/merged_manifests/debugFeature/processDebugFeatureManifest/merged/AndroidManifest.xml:122: error: resource bool/enable_system_alarm_service_default (aka farm.app:bool/enable_system_alarm_service_default) not found.

/base/build/intermediates/merged_manifests/debugFeature/processDebugFeatureManifest/merged/AndroidManifest.xml:137: error: resource integer/google_play_services_version (aka farm.app:integer/google_play_services_version) not found. error: failed processing manifest.

And one example of what is in the combined AndroidManifest is:

    android:exported="false" >
        <action android:name="androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.UpdateProxies" />

I looked at Error processing / merging manifest but it is different as I didn't create these values.

Should I just create a res/values for these booleans or should they be there and I missed including something.

The files that seem to be the cause are:

def work_version = "1.0.0-alpha04"

implementation "android.arch.work:work-runtime-ktx:$work_version" // use -ktx for Kotlin

// optional - Firebase JobDispatcher support implementation "android.arch.work:work-firebase:$work_version"

// optional - Test helpers androidTestImplementation "android.arch.work:work-testing:$work_version"

like image 706
James Black Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 19:03

James Black

1 Answers

You should also add a dependency to your app module or core module:

implementation 'androidx.work:work-runtime-ktx:2.3.4'

Once you add, then again add in your module where you need it.

like image 182
Sagar Maiyad Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 01:03

Sagar Maiyad