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Android push notification without firebase



I want to send android push notification to the selected user without using gcm or firebase. The application is already built without firebase. Now I need to integrate push notification too.


  • How it's possible without firebase?

Actually I want a feature that, when an admin update the value in the one field in database table of particular user, the that user will get a push notification regarding the update. How it is possible?

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Sreejith sreeji Avatar asked Jan 06 '17 17:01

Sreejith sreeji

People also ask

Can we send push notification without Firebase?

How it is possible? It's definitely possible -- you don't have to use Firebase to deliver push notifications.

How do I send push notifications on Android?

Navigate to Settings > Mobile Apps. Click the mobile app for which you'd like to send a push notification. For Device Token, enter the token you located above. For Message, enter a message to display in the push notification.

Can you send push notifications without an app?

Pushed allows you to send real-time notifications without developing your own app to iOs, Android and Desktop devices.

Is Google push notifications free?

Send messages to any device Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) provides a reliable and battery-efficient connection between your server and devices that allows you to deliver and receive messages and notifications on iOS, Android, and the web at no cost.

2 Answers

The way is to create custom Service https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html , which is holding connection via socket or polling some remote server with intervals.

But, I suggest that Firebase service is more advanced and optimized in battery consumption and, particularly, in utilizing the sleep mode. It's not trivial to make a service which will have fast response and CPU consumption. I think that a custom service development will lead to native (C++) coding of networking routines libs.

Also, take into account that Firebase provides own Authentication service with ability to seamless convert your anonymous user to registered. There is a lot of pros of Firebase services. And cons are: your users have to install Google Play Services, if your app will grow - you will pay to Firebase.

Look here Android push notification without Google service

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atlascoder Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09


It's possible using VAPID authentication.

Google for VAPID and you will find a very tortuous road that could lead to the answer you are looking for.

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Zibri Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
