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Android preload a url into WebView while splashscreen is showing

I have an app with a splash-screen which after a few seconds opens up the main activity that has a WebView. The problem is that, only then, does the main activity start to load the URL, which sometimes take several seconds. It seems silly for the double wait. However, my attempts to pre-load the WebView have been less then successful.

The essence of the issue is that the splash screen and main activity are two different activities and the WebView is resource bound (layout) to the main activity. Copying the WebView (webview2=webview1) doesn't work, not surprisingly.


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Jahmic Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 16:02


1 Answers

Follow these steps..

1) set splash layout on your screen.

2) start a new thread, in this thread inflate a layout that contains webview.

3) Load url in webView. Set webview Client to webview to know when your page loading completes. There is a quick example. override onPageFinished.

4) Now break the thread and pass this inflated view to next activity, and set it to setContentView(inflatedView);


like image 158
N-JOY Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 15:04