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Android overlapping text on adapter

On some phones, mainly a Galaxy S2 I am having an issue where the results in a custom adapter overlap on each other. This is an example where user searched for the word "vaginal" in a search field, it is a medical app.

I am not sure the best way to describe this and the code is pretty convoluted at this point. The user types in a word, and database results come in showing matches. These results are in a List object and displayed via adapter. On most phones this works as expected, with results being sequential. On at least one device, the above screenshot happens.

Is this is a known error and how can I fix it?

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CQM Avatar asked May 10 '13 12:05


1 Answers

This looks rather like How often can you update a textview without mess , possibly caused by View reuse in the list adapter. The solution to that issue is to force the background to a fully opaque colour.

like image 104
Neil Townsend Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10

Neil Townsend