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Android Options Menu Without ActionBar?

what I'm looking for is to make an options menu but without the ActionBar. In the Google music app I saw that they have a options menu sort of thing with no action bar. Below is a picture of what I was talking about in the Google music app.

Thank you in advance! :) googleplaymusicapp

like image 244
Tssomas Avatar asked Apr 10 '14 17:04


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1 Answers

That's just a simple popop. You can do that on any view. Throw an icon on a view, like the overflow menu icone and set a click listener on it.

This example is a list of devices (smartphones) in a catalog. I populate the tag with an object so I know which one the user clicks on.

public void showDeviceMenu(View v) {
    PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(this, v);
    DeviceTag tag = (DeviceTag) v.getTag();
    final String groupId = tag.groupId;
    final String sku = tag.sku;
    final String productId = tag.productId;
    SpannableStringBuilder text = new SpannableStringBuilder(tag.name);

    text.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, text.length(),

    popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new OnMenuItemClickListener() {

        public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
            switch (item.getItemId()) {
                case R.id.duplicate_device:
                    duplicateDevice(sku, productId);
                    return true;
                case R.id.update_device:
                    return true;
                case R.id.delete_device:
                    return true;
                    return false;

like image 100
Martin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
