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Android - Notepad tutorial - lifecycle - some work done twice?

According to the "Application Fundamentals" article, section "component lifecycle", onResume() is always called when a View becomes active, independent of the previous state.

In the Notepad tutorial, Exercise 3, I have found something confusing in NoteEdit.java:
There is a call to populateFields() in onCreate() as well as in onResume().
Wouldn't it be enough (or even better) to have it only in onResume() ?

In such a small example, it will not do any harm if populateFields() is performed twice, but in a bigger App, things can be different ...

Thanks and Regards,
Markus N.

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Markus N. Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 14:09

Markus N.

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Activity Lifecycle: Activity is one of the building blocks of Android OS. In simple words Activity is a screen that user interact with. Every Activity in android has lifecycle like created, started, resumed, paused, stopped or destroyed. These different states are known as Activity Lifecycle.

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1 Answers

From a look at Notepad3, I would say you are correct. There doesn't seem to be any reason for them to call populateFields() in both onCreate() and onResume(). onResume is sufficient.

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Justin Breitfeller Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Justin Breitfeller