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Android NDK Compile error NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null

I tried run ijkplayer and I recieved this error.

  C:\ndk\ndk-build.cmd NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null 

I think is something with the build.gradle but I don't know what.

My ndk directory is on c:\ndk and I have ndk 32bit.

I appreciate your help.


like image 530
Alon Avatar asked Oct 03 '14 16:10


1 Answers

Your build (gradle ?) is not passing proper path to the root of your project to ndk-build.cmd.

You can run the ndk-build.cmd from command line. Open a command prompt, cd into your module folder (it should have jni folder) , and run c:\ndk\ndk-build.cmd it will use the current path as the NDK_PROJECT_PATH

like image 172
ashoke Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10
