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Android NDK build with ANT script


Can we use the ANT script for Android NDK builds ? If Yes how? And if no, then why Not ?

I don't have any idea about it

like image 524
Sachchidanand Avatar asked Sep 15 '11 14:09


1 Answers

Call ndk-build from your -pre-build target, like this:

<target name="-pre-build">     <exec executable="${ndk.dir}/ndk-build" failonerror="true"/> </target>  <target name="clean" depends="android_rules.clean">     <exec executable="${ndk.dir}/ndk-build" failonerror="true">         <arg value="clean"/>     </exec> </target> 

Then you can set ndk.dir to point at the NDK directory from your local.properties file, or set it on the command line. I do this:

ant -Dsdk.dir=/home/dg/apps/android-sdk-linux_x86-r11/ -Dndk.dir=/home/dg/apps/android-ndk-r6b release 

Now running ant will build your native code automatically. Plus, running 'ant clean' will clean your native code.

Updated: Added failonerror="true" to the <exec> tasks --- this causes ant to abort if the make fails. Without it it'll just go right ahead and generate an APK with an invalid binary in it. Not good!

like image 156
David Given Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

David Given