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Android NDK Build failing in mac system but works in windows system

  1. added NDK path through ADT’s Preference

  2. add native support through Android tools

I tried searching the internet But I couldn’t find anything useful to solve my problem

It compiles so many c,cpp files for 1 mins then suddently the following error comes up

make: /Users/username/Documents/Android/NDK/android-ndk-r10/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/darwin-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: Command not found

make: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/crypto/cryptlib.o] Error 127

<terminated> NDKBuilder [program] /Users/username/Documents/Android/NDK/Android-ndk-r10/ndk-build.cmd

NDKBuilder [program] /Users/username/Documents/Android/NDK/Android-ndk-r10/ndk-build.cmd :                                                                                                         
line 1: @echo: command not found
NDKBuilder [program] /Users/username/Documents/Android/NDK/Android-ndk-r10/ndk-build.cmd : 
line 2: rem: command not found
NDKBuilder [program] /Users/username/Documents/Android/NDK/Android-ndk-r10/ndk-build.cmd : 
line 3: call : command not found
NDKBuilder [program] /Users/username/Documents/Android/NDK/Android-ndk-r10/ndk-build.cmd : 
line 4: Syntax error near unexpected token ‘(‘
NDKBuilder [program] /Users/username/Documents/Android/NDK/Android-ndk-r10/ndk-build.cmd : 
line 5:’If ERRORLEVEL 1 (exit /b 1)’

Any help is appreciated !

like image 836
Shajo Avatar asked Jul 28 '14 10:07


1 Answers

I see you're using NDK r10, but your app is asking for the gcc 4.4.3 toolchain that is not available since at least r9.

You can check for NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION variable inside a Application.mk file, and remove it so it uses the default toolchain that is available (4.6).

Another issue is that ndk-build.cmd is called. But ndk-build.cmd is to be used on Windows, not on Mac or Linux where ndk-build should be used instead.

You can check if a "build command" is manually set to it inside the eclipse C/C++ properties of your project.

like image 54
ph0b Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09
