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Android multi module test dependency

With Android Studio 3.0 / android_gradle_version = '3.0.1' / gradle-4.5

Let's say I have two android modules


When I want to access sources from module-base in module-a , I just need to write this in my module-a.gradle

dependencies {
implementation project(path: ':module-base')

But, what if I want to access test sources from module-base in test of module-a? Here does not work approach like above

dependencies {
testImplementation project(path: ':module-base')

I found lot of advices (few years old) which says something like

    compileTestJava.dependsOn tasks.getByPath(':module-base:testClasses')
    testCompile files(project(':module-base').sourceSets.test.output.classesDir)

or testCompile project(':module-base).sourceSets.test.classes

But no one from mentioned works. There is always something wrong from the compiler point of view :-/

Can you someone help me how to create Android test code dependency between two modules?

like image 723
kotoMJ Avatar asked Mar 22 '18 19:03


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2 Answers

Actually I find just workaround for this. Don't use test sources from module-base but use sources from test related module module-testutils which is defined like this

   testImplementation project(':module-testutils')

Thus you can share common test code which will be excluded for non-testable apk.

like image 60
kotoMJ Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10


In case anyone else ends up here, one way to accomplish this is to define the target module as a source set. Let's assume test-mdoule is the module we want to import stuff from, we can do it this way:

android {
    sourceSets {
        // non-instrumental test example
        test {
            java.srcDir project(":test-module").file("src/test/java")
        // instrumental test example
        androidTest {
            java.srcDir project(":test-module").file("src/androidTest/java")

Reference: https://jonnycaley.medium.com/sharing-test-code-in-a-multi-module-android-project-7ce4de788016

like image 40
william xyz Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

william xyz