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Android launching specific url with specific browser

Launching a specific browser by icon is done with a ACTION_MAIN. Launching a specific url using default browser is done with a ACTION_VIEW.

What if you want to open a specific url in a specific browser?

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Eitan Schwartz Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 02:12

Eitan Schwartz

2 Answers

If you know the package name and the class name of the browser,you can use Intent.setClassName (String packageName, String className). looks like:

Intent i=new Intent(ACTION_VIEW, url);
like image 76
farmer.chs Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 20:01


You can even call the specific browser via its package name.
Like this;

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse("https://www.google.co.com"));
like image 42
Anshul chhabra Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 19:01

Anshul chhabra