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Android invalidateOptionsMenu() for API < 11




I used ActivityCompat.invalidateOptionsMenu(MainActivity.this); so that my menu item "refresh" can automatically be enabled/disabled without the using have to touch the "Menu" option (imagine the user leaves the Menu open... I need the "Refresh" menu item to automatically disabled and enable itself).

The ActivityCompat.invalidateOptionsMenu(MainActivity.this) works fine in Android 11+. But what can I use for android API < 11 ? :S I've searched so much but I cannot find an answer. Can anyone please help me on this?

This works fine in Android API 11+, using the onPrepareOptionsMenu and ActivityCompat.invalidateOptionsMenu(MainActivity.this). The issue is trying to get it done in Android API < 11.

Here is my onPrepareOptionsMenu method:

@Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {     if(menuRefreshEnable){         menu.getItem(0).setEnabled(true);     }     if(!menuRefreshEnable){         menu.getItem(0).setEnabled(false);     }            return true; } 
like image 989
SnitramSD Avatar asked Dec 23 '12 03:12


1 Answers

On API < 11 use supportInvalidateOptionsMenu() method

like image 129
Alexander Zhak Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Alexander Zhak