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Android IntelliJ sdk version

I'm using IntelliJ community edition for developing my Android applications. When creating my project I've set it to use Android v1.5 SDK, but now I need to change it to v1.6. I've digged hard, but couldn't find such option. Is there a way I can achieve it without recreating my project?

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Sebastian Nowak Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 10:08

Sebastian Nowak

People also ask

Does IntelliJ have Android SDK?

IntelliJ IDEA contains all the features found in Android Studio. Setup for Android development is, however, a bit more involved since it does not include the Android SDK by default.

What SDK do I need for IntelliJ?

To develop applications in IntelliJ IDEA, you need a Java SDK (JDK). A JDK is a software package that contains libraries, tools for developing and testing Java applications (development tools), and tools for running applications on the Java platform (Java Runtime Environment — JRE).

Does IntelliJ support JDK 17?

JetBrains has released IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 featuring support for Java 17 and the latest languages and frameworks such as Scala, Kotlin, Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3.

What version of JDK do I have IntelliJ?

IntelliJ stores the JDK version used by the project within its Project Structure. There are two ways to locate this: Via menu navigation: Navigating to File -> Project Structure.

1 Answers

Project Structure | Modules | <Your Module> | Dependencies | Module SDK.

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CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09
