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android incoming call screen



I would like to add details to the incoming call screen on android. lets say I have a string 'x', so I want 'x' to show up on the incoming call screen under the name of the person who is currently calling.

I know this is possible because of these apps: CallerId, Vringo

I'm pretty new to this area, so I need to know what is the process to achieve that, for example: get the event of incoming call, go to the incoming call interface and so on.


like image 808
shaimagz Avatar asked Mar 21 '10 09:03


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1 Answers

I think you have to look at the intent receivers (actually called intent filter => have to be defined in your manifest), there should be one for incoming calls. And then you define your own application, with an activity that is made to receive this kind of intent and with the design you like... if i'm not mistaken, it should be this : ACTION_ANSWER

you can find more doc here and there.

like image 61
Sephy Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10
