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Android: How to get search suggestions asynchronously from the web?

I have created a searchable activity. Now, i want to add search suggestions that are taken from web service. I want to get those suggestions asynchronously. According to Adding Custom Suggestions I need to override the query method, do my suggestion search, build my own MatrixCursor and return it. but this is the problem, my request for getting the suggestion is an asynchronically one. so when result is back from net it out side of query method's scope.

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toko Avatar asked Jul 23 '12 10:07


People also ask

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To enable search suggestions from your application, the user must open "Searchable items" (in Settings > Search) and enable your application as a searchable item.

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Search is a core user feature on Android. Users should be able to search any data that is available to them, whether the content is located on the device or the Internet. To help create a consistent search experience for users, Android provides a search framework that helps you implement search for your application.

2 Answers

Here is an example of SearchView with suggestions coming from a network service (I used Retrofit):

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_search_activity, menu);

        final SearchView searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(menu.findItem(R.id.search));

        final CursorAdapter suggestionAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
                new String[]{SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1},
                new int[]{android.R.id.text1},
        final List<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();

        searchView.setOnSuggestionListener(new SearchView.OnSuggestionListener() {
            public boolean onSuggestionSelect(int position) {
                return false;

            public boolean onSuggestionClick(int position) {
                searchView.setQuery(suggestions.get(position), false);
                return true;

        searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {

            public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
                return false;

            public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {

                MyApp.autocompleteService.search(newText, new Callback<Autocomplete>() {
                    public void success(Autocomplete autocomplete, Response response) {

                        String[] columns = {

                        MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(columns);

                        for (int i = 0; i < autocomplete.suggestions.size(); i++) {
                            String[] tmp = {Integer.toString(i), autocomplete.suggestions.get(i), autocomplete.suggestions.get(i)};

                    public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
                        Toast.makeText(SearchFoodActivity.this, error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        Log.w("autocompleteService", error.getMessage());
                return false;

        return true;
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moondroid Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10


It seems that the request to the suggestion content provider is not run on the UI thread, anyway, according to this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12895381/621690 . If you can change your http request you could simply call it blocking inside the query method. Might help to listen for interruptions or other signals (custom ones maybe) to stop unnecessary requests.

Another option - if you do not want to change any request classes that are already asynchronous (like if you are using Robospice) - should be to just return the MatrixCursor reference and populate it later on. The AbstractCursor class already implements the Observer pattern and sends out notifications in case of changes. If the search system is listening it should handle any changes in the data. I have yet to implement that myself so I cannot confirm that it will work out as nicely as I picture it. (Have a look at CursorLoader's source for more inspiration.)

And, anyway, isn't that the whole point of a cursor? Otherwise we could simply return a list with data.

UPDATE: For me, using a MatrixCursor didn't work out. Instead, I have implemented two other solutions:

  1. Using the AutoCompleteTextField in combination with a custom subclass of ArrayAdapter which itself uses a custom subclass of Filter. The method Filter#performFiltering() (which I override with the synchronous call to the remote service) is called asynchronously and the UI thread is not blocked.
  2. Using the SearchWidget with a SearchableActivity and a custom ArrayAdapter (without custom Filter). When the search intent comes in, the remote request is started (Robospice) and when it comes back via callback, I call the following custom method on my ArrayAdapter<Tag> subclass:

    public void addTags(List<Tag> items) {
        if (items != null && items.size() > 0) {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) {
                for (Tag tag : items) {
            } else {

This method takes care of triggering the notifications on the adapter and thus the search result list.

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Risadinha Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10
