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Android - how to get notified when sync finishes, when requesting a sync with ContentResolver.requestSync()




I have my own ContentProvider and SyncAdapter which both work fine.

I set them to be automatically synced with ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically() an this work. I can also test the sync with Dev Tools -> Sync Tester.

Now I would like to request a sync from my app (if we have no data yet) and be notified when it finishes, so I can updated the interface (I'm showing a progress bar with logo while it's syncing). I'm doing this with ContentResolver.requestSync(), but I have not found a way to get notified when the sync finishes.

Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.

like image 424
muscardinus Avatar asked Dec 06 '22 18:12


1 Answers

Here is a fully working code snippet with javadocs for anyone wanting a drop in solution rather than having to guess how to put everything together. It builds on Mark's answer above. Supports monitoring multiple account syncs.

import android.accounts.Account;

import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
 * Sync status observer that reports back via a callback interface when syncing has begun
 * and finished.
public static class MySyncStatusObserver implements SyncStatusObserver {
     * Defines the various sync states for an account.
    private enum SyncState {
         * Indicates a sync is pending.
         * Indicates a sync is no longer pending but isn't active yet.
         * Indicates a sync is active.
         * Indicates syncing is finished.

     * Lifecycle events.
    public interface Callback {
         * Indicates syncing of calendars has begun.
        void onSyncsStarted();

         * Indicates syncing of calendars has finished.
        void onSyncsFinished();

     * The original list of accounts that are being synced.
    @NonNull private final List<Account> mAccounts;
     * Map of accounts and their current sync states.
    private final Map<Account, SyncState> mAccountSyncState =
            Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Account, SyncState>());

     * The calendar authority we're listening for syncs on.
    @NonNull private final String mCalendarAuthority;
     * Callback implementation.
    @Nullable private final Callback mCallback;

     * {@code true} when a "sync started" callback has been called.
     * <p>Keeps us from reporting this event more than once.</p>
    private boolean mSyncStartedReported;
     * Provider handle returned from
     * {@link ContentResolver#addStatusChangeListener(int, SyncStatusObserver)} used to
     * unregister for sync status changes.
    @Nullable private Object mProviderHandle;

     * Default constructor.
     * @param accounts the accounts to monitor syncing for
     * @param calendarAuthority the calendar authority for the syncs
     * @param callback optional callback interface to receive events
    public MySyncStatusObserver(@NonNull final Account[] accounts,
            @NonNull final String calendarAuthority, @Nullable final Callback callback) {
        mAccounts = Lists.newArrayList(accounts);
        mCalendarAuthority = calendarAuthority;
        mCallback = callback;

     * Sets the provider handle to unregister for sync status changes with.
    public void setProviderHandle(@Nullable final Object providerHandle) {
        mProviderHandle = providerHandle;

    public void onStatusChanged(int which) {
        for (final Account account : mAccounts) {
            if (which == ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_PENDING) {
                if (ContentResolver.isSyncPending(account, mCalendarAuthority)) {
                    // There is now a pending sync.
                    mAccountSyncState.put(account, SyncState.PENDING);
                } else {
                    // There is no longer a pending sync.
                    mAccountSyncState.put(account, SyncState.PENDING_ACTIVE);
            } else if (which == ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_ACTIVE) {
                if (ContentResolver.isSyncActive(account, mCalendarAuthority)) {
                    // There is now an active sync.
                    mAccountSyncState.put(account, SyncState.ACTIVE);

                    if (!mSyncStartedReported && mCallback != null) {
                        mSyncStartedReported = true;
                } else {
                    // There is no longer an active sync.
                    mAccountSyncState.put(account, SyncState.FINISHED);

        // We haven't finished processing sync states for all accounts yet
        if (mAccounts.size() != mAccountSyncState.size()) return;

        // Check if any accounts are not finished syncing yet. If so bail
        for (final SyncState syncState : mAccountSyncState.values()) {
            if (syncState != SyncState.FINISHED) return;

        // 1. Unregister for sync status changes
        if (mProviderHandle != null) {

        // 2. Report back that all syncs are finished
        if (mCallback != null) {

Here is the implementation:

public class MyActivity extends Activity implements MySyncStatusObserver.Callback {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Retrieve your accounts
        final Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(this).getAccountsByType("your_account_type");

        // Register for sync status changes
        final MySyncStatusObserver observer = new MySyncStatusObserver(accounts, "the sync authority", this);
        final Object providerHandle = ContentResolver.addStatusChangeListener(
            ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_ACTIVE |
                    ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_PENDING, observer);
        // Pass in the handle so the observer can unregister itself from events when finished.
        // You could optionally save this handle at the Activity level but I prefer to
        // encapsulate everything in the observer and let it handle everything

        for (final Account account : accounts) {
            // Request the sync
            ContentResolver.requestSync(account, "the sync authority", null);

    public void onSyncsStarted() {
        // Show a refresh indicator if you need

    public void onSyncsFinished() {
        // Hide the refresh indicator if you need
like image 183
Daniel Ochoa Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 09:01

Daniel Ochoa