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Android how to draw a round rect and shadow Layout

i make a class extends LinearLayout i want to show a Rect like this:

   ---------------------     => it is round corner 
 | border frame         | .
 |  -----------------   | .
 |  |  hearder      |   | .
 |  | - - - - - - - |   | .
 |  |  center       |   | .
 |  |               |   | .
 |  | - - - - - - - |   | .
 |  |  buttom       |   | .
 |  ----------------    | .
 |                      | .
  ---------------------- .
  . . . . .  . . . . . .      => it is shadow

and i used paintShadow.setShadowLayer(this.radius, 8, 8, Color.GRAY); the shadow is not round.

so who kowns how to make a round rect and shadow. code:

public class CornerLinearLayout extends LinearLayout{

    public CornerLinearLayout(Context context,AttributeSet attr){

    public CornerLinearLayout(Context context) {


        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
    private static final int RADIUS=10;
    private int frameColor;
    private int radius;
    private Path mClip;
    private int frameWidth;
    private int headerHeight;
    private int buttomHeight;
    private int headerColor;
    private int buttomColor;
    private int centerColor;
    private void init() {
        this.radius = RADIUS;
        this.frameColor = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        this.frameWidth = 4;
        this.headerHeight = 50;
        this.buttomHeight = 50;
        headerColor = 0xFF31234A;
        buttomColor = 0xFF9ACFFF;
        centerColor = 0xFF55AACC;
//      GradientDrawable gd = new GradientDrawable();
//      gd.setStroke(frameWidth, frameColor);
//      gd.setCornerRadius(radius);
//      gd.setColor(0);
//      //gd.setStroke(30, 0xFFFFFFFF);
//      setBackgroundDrawable(gd);
        this.setPadding(frameWidth, frameWidth, frameWidth,frameWidth);

//      LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) this.getLayoutParams();
//      params.setMargins(25, 10, 25, 10);

    private Paint paintShadow = new Paint();
    private Paint paint = new Paint();
    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
        RectF rf = new RectF(0,0,this.getWidth()-10,this.getHeight()-5);
        paintShadow.setShadowLayer(this.radius, 8, 8, Color.GRAY);
        rf.right -= 3;
        rf.bottom -= 3;
        canvas.drawRoundRect(rf,this.radius,this.radius, paintShadow);

//      Rect r = new Rect(5,5,this.getWidth()-5,this.getHeight()-5);
        if(this.centerColor != 0){

//          canvas.drawRect(r, paint);
            rf.right -= 5;
            rf.left += 5;
            rf.top += 5;
            rf.bottom -=5;
            canvas.drawRoundRect(rf, this.radius, this.radius, paint);
//      if(this.headerColor!=0){
//          Rect rr = new Rect(10,10,this.getWidth()-5,this.headerHeight-10);
//          paint.setColor(this.headerColor);
//          canvas.drawRect(rr, paint);
//      }
//      if(this.buttomColor != 0){
//          Rect rr = new Rect(10,this.getHeight()-this.buttomHeight,this.getWidth()-3,this.buttomHeight-3);
//          paint.setColor(this.headerColor);
//          canvas.drawRect(rr, paint);
//      }


    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
        mClip = new Path();
        RectF rect = new RectF(0, 0, w, h);
        mClip.addRoundRect(rect, this.radius,  this.radius, Direction.CW);


    protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {


like image 507
zt9788 Avatar asked Jan 26 '13 06:01


2 Answers

I'm willing to bet your problem is in using clipPath(). Try disabling hardware acceleration in the view, and I think you'll find that it works as expected.

In your init() method:

setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);

Useful Links:

  • Should I Give Images Rounded Corners in Android?
  • Hardware Acceleration -- Unsupported Methods
  • Canvas clipPath() Method Not Working As Expected
like image 71
Kevin Coppock Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Kevin Coppock

Use nine-patch drawables. These will save you a lot of code. Check out some tutorials for nine-patch.

Also, have a look in your <SDK folder>/platforms/<android-xx>/data/res , development platforms ship with many ready made nine-patch drawables of default theme, you can copy these in your App.

Code example :

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        //-- draw with white color--
        Paint p = new Paint();

        //-- set shadow, 5dp down, 5 dp left, with radius of 15 dp--

        //-- warning, Honeycomb and above only
        //-- this will reduce draw performance of view
        //-- but is required to support drawing filters, like shadow, blur etc

        //--basic shapes don't have round corners yet, so use path--
        Path pt = new Path();

        //-- round rectangle path with 15dp padding (space for shadow)
        //-- and 10 dp corner radius
        pt.addRoundRect(new RectF(15,15,getWidth() - 15 ,getHeight() -15 ),
                        10,10, Path.Direction.CW);


like image 33
S.D. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
