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android gradle Local path doesn't exist

When i run my app every time, versionName is incremented in Manifest file. 20389 means that is old version name, 20390 is incremented number.

enter image description here

Project is built successfully like BUILD SUCCESSFUL. But the question is that why Android studio caches previous apk version. Here is what is error:

Target device: lge-nexus_5-061642fd00511249 Uploading file local path: H:\customFolder\app\build\outputs\apk\MyAppName-0.6.200_20383-debug.apk remote path: /data/local/tmp/com.example.app Local path doesn't exist.

As you pay attention when app runs on a device, android studio try to instal 20383 version of apk. It is wrong. Could anyone help me? I've googeled and saw this link.

Here is how i can change manifest file with gradle script:

def updateRevisionNumber () {//autoIncrement Version Name
  def currentVersion = getVersionName();
  def currentRevisionInManifest =           currentVersion.substring(currentVersion.indexOf("_")+1);
  def lastRevision = Integer.parseInt(currentRevisionInManifest) + 1;
  println("currentRevisionInManifest: " + currentRevisionInManifest);
  println("lastRevision: " + lastRevision);

  def oldText = manifestFile.getText();
  def changedText =      oldText.replace(currentRevisionInManifest,lastRevision+"");
like image 709
nAkhmedov Avatar asked Oct 20 '22 12:10


1 Answers

Instead of editing your manifest file during the build, you can override the version name in the android section of your manifest :

android {
    defaultConfig {
        versionName someScriptToComputeVersionName()

And there is at least 2 good reasons to do it that way :

  • the build process won't change your source code (i.e. AndroidManifest.xml will not be modified - at least the AndroidManifest.xml in your editable sources won't be modified)
  • there are good chances that Android Studio will be happy.

Now your problem is to define correctly the function someScriptToComputeVersionName() , that's up to you.

IMO, simply incrementing a number is probably not the best choice and you should probably go for a solution were you build the version name based on VCS revision number.

like image 192
ben75 Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 00:10
