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Android: good practices for organizing dirs and files on storage SD card?

Are there any guidelines where should my app store resource files downloaded from internet?

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tomash Avatar asked Jan 07 '10 01:01


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1 Answers

Here is an advice gleaned from the android developers forum:

There are two fairly common and well defined situations:

Situation: You need a temp file to do some processing that won't necessarily fit into memory.

Solution: Create the file, use it, delete it when you're done* Caveat: The file may be exceptionally large: demand an SDCard. The file contains sensitive information: use app storage.

Situation: You are operating a cache.

Solution: maintain the files in the supplied cache directory (Context.getCacheDir()), the system knows these can be deleted** Caveat: Big ticket items (like songs and videos) go to the sdcard (the user can treat these types as useful files anyway)

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Jacques René Mesrine Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Jacques René Mesrine