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android - GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6346K, 7% free , paused 143ms, total 143ms

I'm developing an offline mapView using OSMdroid Library. My tilesource loads the tiles but renders quit steadily. But the fact is in my log messages, I keep getting this error:

GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6346K, 7% free , paused 143ms, total 143ms

I'm not sure how to debug this? Any ideas, do I have any memory leaks?

like image 374
zIronManBox Avatar asked May 07 '14 04:05


1 Answers

This is not an error, but an information that Garbage collector has run.

If you are seeing a lot of those, it might mean that you are making many allocations or have little memory. You should try to improve your program's memory performance.

There is a good source information about investigating RAM consumption in Android:


There is also a document about general strategies for managing your memory consumption in Android:


like image 63
gruszczy Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 20:11
